Saturday, November 20, 2010

can you give me instructions on how to change/repair the tube on a bicyle tire

You have several directions on how to replace the tube. You may only need to patch it, though. You can buy a patch kit at places like Walmart.

Remove the tire and the tube.

To find the area that needs patching, inflate the tube a bit and wipe it down with soapy water. The leaks will then bubble.

After you find the hole, I'll bet there are instructions in the patch kit. You'll rough up the area where you'll have to put the patch. Put glue on both sides (on the tube and on the patch), then put the patch on the tube. Deflate the tube before trying to put it back in the tire a bit, reinstall the tube, and inflate the rest of the way.

Happy riding! can you give me instructions on how to change/repair the tube on a bicyle tire
its easy, here's how

first, take the rim assembely off the bike.

then pull the tire off the rim. careful not to damage or stretch it too much!

after that take off the old tube

then put the new tube on, make sure you put the valve stem through the hole in the rim

then put the tire back on (this can bea hard to keep both the tube and tire in place, but once you get it on, it will stay)

then inflate

there should also be some youtube video's showing you how to do it.

can you give me instructions on how to change/repair the tube on a bicyle tire
yeah you take the wheel off of the bike then you take a couple flat head screw drivers and pry the tire off then you take the tube out and just throw it away (unless you want to spend the time to fix it in which case you should buy a bike tire repair kit from walmart) but it dont reccomend trying to fix it. just buy a new tube but before you put it back in make sure you feel the inside of the tire to make sure any thorns and such are gone so the tube wont be punctured again. then you put the tube back in the tire, the tire on the wheel and the wheel on the bike

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