Monday, June 6, 2011

Moms/Dads- how did you child act after tubes were inserted in ears?

Hello- My son just got tubes in his ears. I wanted to hear from other parents on how tubes helped their kids, did it change their behavior in any ways? Eating, sleeping, social behavior???Moms/Dads- how did you child act after tubes were inserted in ears?
My first son had tubes in his ears when he was 10 months old. It really helped almost eliminate the number of ear infections. He slept better and was happier, I believe because his ears weren't hurting him as much. I think if your son was having trouble with eating, sleeping and social behavior you should see improvement right away after the tubes. Constant ear infections can make a baby miserable - but the tubes are a great thing!

Good luck!Moms/Dads- how did you child act after tubes were inserted in ears?
My Son got tubes placed in his ears at 2 1/2 and he began acting like the sound was just too much. He would cover his ears if there were loud noises around. I guess from not hearing well before. He soon adjusted and at 19 listens to way too much noise!

I think it was a wonderful operation for him, he never had another ear infection ever again and he was so much healthier! I love the operation and would recommend it to any one who's child needs it!!
Most kids have no trouble adjusting to the tubes. Everything just seems louder to them for a few days.
My son had tubes put in when he was 2. The reason he needed them was because there was always fluid behind his eardrum which affected his hearing. He's only had 2 ear infections.

I did not notice any changes in his behavior at all. I really expected him to start talking better/more, but that didn't happen either.
For my daughter it did, she was able to hear things better. She was 80% deaf before the tubes, after about 5 months her hearing was were it needed to be, it did not affect her eating, but it did affect her social behavior and she sleep light for while. To her everything she was hearing was new and it was overwhelming in the beginning but she has done great
2 of my kids had tubes in their ears, the only problem we had with the tubes was swimming, my son had no problems while swimming, my daughter would get an ear infection everytime. I think each child is different, and their reaction to the tubes
My son seemed to be more sensitive to noise. The benefit was that he had ear infections every month for the 1 year of his life and then after the tubes we went 2 years without him being sick! As far as sleeping and eating it didn't change.

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