Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How do I remove the tyre from the rim to change the tube inside a car tire ?

I bought a new tube to change it on my flat car tire. But I don't know how to remove (and reinstall) the tire from the rim. I thought that was as simple as on a bicycle.How do I remove the tyre from the rim to change the tube inside a car tire ?
You have to break the bead (the area where the tire contacts the rim). You can break it with a tire hammer or take it to the local station, tire store and pay them to do it.How do I remove the tyre from the rim to change the tube inside a car tire ?
No not that easy you need to take it to your nearest tire co. and they will fix it for a fee, you cannot change tube you don't have the right tool , It will take them about 5 min to do the job. hope this helps.
you can't, you have to go to a tire place, they have a machine for that
The way ive gotten tires off the rim is take the tire off the vehicle and lay it flat on the ground. Remove the neddle from the valve stem, and if u can use another vehicle and run over the tire with the front tires of the drivable one to break the bead (where the rim meets the tire). . then with two pry bars you should b able to pry the tire over the rim. install the tube apply soapy water to the tire and rim use one pry bar to get the tire started and the other to go around prying it in good luck
run it over with another car watch that you only roll over the tire not the rim turn the steering wheel as you go
I tried it once - it's fun if you like experimenting and a do-it-yourself kinda guy and have the right tools. If not - take it a shop.

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