Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Why did You Tube change it's layout?

It looks horrible. And there is like a guide to learn how to use it now. What? If you need a guide to use it then it sucks. We could use it before just fine, without a guide!

Stupid You Tube they are only doing it for their advertisers! Getting rid of the 5 star rating so that ads won't get 1 star! You just ';dislike'; them now. *shakes head*

And the comments have been made so small. No more trash talk either from people about their ad videos.

Really they took feedback from it's users? It's users want to be marginalized in favor of having more ads shoved in their faces!? Hmm, I find that to be a tough pill to swallow.Why did You Tube change it's layout?

NO1: Video Descriptions on the bottom now? WTH!! WHAT WAS WRONG WITH DESCRIPTIONS BEING ON THE RIGHT?Why did You Tube change it's layout?
Say what? Changes it's layout? Are you fully moonstruck?? Who changes it's layout anyway??

It's so hard to share crap with people ON the site. I have to copy the url and paste it in a message. What the hell is that about ? And the ';like/dislike'; system is completely retarded ! And then responses are under the top rated comments, which is insanely weird. O.o And now they moved all the related videos and what not higher up and moved the poster's crap under the video.

Ugh. So confusing. %26gt;%26lt;
The ads are in the same place. It is more neater than having everything jumbled together. You will get used to it eventually, same thing happened with the beta channel layout. See where you are right now?
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