I have always wanted 2 kids, and am happy.
I keep on asking the doc about having my tubes tied, but he wont do it, he says that i have to wait until i'm at least 30!!
any ideas on how i can change his mind??Why wont the doctor agree with me to have my tubes tied?
He is entitled to his own opinion and may not be prepared to change it. Each request for sterilisation must be treated on its own merits, overall, in a partnership I try and persuade the male to have a vasectomy as it is the safer operation with less side effects. women who are sterilised have a higher risk of period problems, pelvic pain and hysterectomy.
In your case after appropriate counselling I would have felt it reasonable to refer you, provided you understood all the implications, it would then finally be up to the gynaecologist to decide if he/she was happy to proceed.Why wont the doctor agree with me to have my tubes tied?
I was 22
Some doctors have their own policies and that sucks for people who are serious about sterilization.
I would call around looking for a gyno who will let YOU choose when to have the procedure, not choosing for you
It's because you're still young. I know you say that you've always wanted 2 kids, but what if you meet another guy, things get serious and in, say, 4 or 5 years you decide you want to have another kid with him? Or (I know it's horrible to think about) what if something happened to the kids you have now and one or both of them died? Would you want to have more kids then?
That's the reasoning behind your doctor refusing to do it when you're so young. At least that's what we were taught about in medical school. If you have no partner and no boyfriend, then why is it a problem anyway? You're not going to get pregnant, and having your tubes tied won't do anything amazing like stopping you from having periods or anything like that, so to be honest I don't even know why you'd want to go through with an operation for no reason.
Many doctors won't because they think you might have a change of mind if you remarry and want to have a child with your husband. I'm going to recommend you use the temporary measures instead, pirth conntrol, Norplant or Depo Provera. I'll even recommend you don't go for the tubal ligation till age 35. Of course if the temporary solutions give too many side effects, go for the ligation. Now if you had a boyfriend or husband, I would say skip all your options and ask te man to have a vascetoms. Easier and cheaper.
But if you're still determined to have a tubal ligation, call around or ask at a hospital for a recommendation to have it done.
In my area, we have only a Catholic Hospital, surgical sterialization as well as birth control pills, diaphrams and creams won't be granted at all.
Don't think you will be able too somehow, he/she obviously doesn't think you know your own mind! probably think if they say yes you'll get it done then meet someone fall in love want the reversal done then all that time and effort plus money will have been wasted! forget the fact you have the children you want that you are an adult with all your faculty's etc.... why not go to another doctor who will treat you as an adult and listen to what you are saying. good luck x
I was 31 when i had mine done. I have two kids and was adamant i didn't want any more and i went to the docs and TOLD him i wanted it doing. It is your body and if you are absolutely sure that you are making the right decision then your wishes should be respected - by any decent doctor anyway. Be firm if you are sure and keep telling them until they do !!!
I guess get a second opinion... because I guess it's just up to the doctor, what they will/won't do... my mother had hers tied right after she had me; I was her only child, and she was 23.
because he wants to have your BABIESSS
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